Rockstar Games is continuing to bring new playable narratives and, of course, automobiles to the Grand Theft Auto V online community, despite the fact that they said that Grand Theft Auto VI would be released the

following year. Are you saying that a game with the name Grand Theft Auto would be lacking something if it

did not have the word "Auto"? The Gauntlet Interceptor and the Canis Terminus are the names given to the

Dodge Challenger police vehicle and the Jeep Wrangler JL that was adapted from the video game, respectively, in the most recent update for Grand Theft Auto V. Rockstar Games released an update for Grand Theft Auto V

that included two new and notable rides for its online gaming community. The title of this update is "Cluckin'

Bell Farm Raid," and it is a theft that involves crooked police enforcement and street justice. Rockstar Games responded to this concern by releasing a police vehicle known as the Gauntlet Interceptor.